Secured global settlement in civil litigation between LLC members regarding ownership of multi-million-dollar commercial properties

In November 2023, Dynamis LLP secured a settlement after two years of litigation in three fora. The dispute arose when Dynamis’s clients exercised options to purchase Sam Klein’s membership interests in various special purpose LLCs owning commercial real estate. After Mr. Klein passed away in 2021–leaving an 8-figure estate–Dynamis’s clients exercised their options, but Mr. Klein’s estate refused to honor that exercise. Dynamis’s clients sued for declarative and injunctive relief, and the estate filed counterclaims. After two years of litigation in federal court in New York and state court in Florida, Dynamis was able to secure a full resolution for the clients.

Trial ready and geared up for battle, Dynamis provides zealous, aggressive,
and sophisticated advocacy when our clients need it the most.


Secured global settlement in multi-party and multi-forum litigation involving eight-figure commercial loan


Secured far below guidelines sentence for an individual convicted of insider trading in the District of Massachusetts