International Disputes, Investigations, and Enforcement (FCPA)

Dynamis attorneys, both at the Firm and at previous employers, have significant and diverse experience with international disputes, investigations, and enforcement actions, including FCPA investigations led by the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Eric Rosen represented individuals who were the targets of an insider trading investigation by the Paris stock exchange, has prosecuted individuals shipping misbranded drugs into the United States from India, has conducted investigations into Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) bribery by employees and contractors of PDVSA, has investigated international trade secrets cases, and has defended executives involved in the DOJ’s sprawling investigation into the Brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht.

Lance Aduba, who is fluent in Spanish and conversational in Portuguese, represented Telefonica in an DOJ/SEC FCPA investigation, represented Dallas Airmotive in an FCPA investigation led by the DOJ, and represented a global financial services company in industry-wide investigations by the DOJ and SEC into hiring practices in China of relatives of government officials. 

Similarly, Robert Frenchman has worked on FCPA compliance issues for an international bank, and Michael Homer has conducted numerous international FCPA investigations. 

Kim Jones has represented a leading aerospace company in connection with foreign bribery charges, a global pharmaceutical company in an international products liability litigation, and a Chief Financial Officer in a DOJ FCPA investigation related to government fuel supply contracts in the Middle East. 

Finally, Constantine Economides has extensive experience with international disputes, including cross-border business litigation in U.S. courts. He has represented foreign plaintiffs and defendants in U.S. litigation, and he has managed litigation, in conjunction with local counsel, for U.S. clients in disputes filed in foreign jurisdictions. Mr. Economides is adept at navigating the complex procedural issues posed by international litigation, including personal jurisdiction, international asset-tracing, choice-of-law/forum selection/forum non conveniens, international service of process and discovery, foreign blocking statutes, the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, the extraterritorial application of U.S. law, foreign anti-suit injunctions, and judgment enforcement.

Whether your dispute, investigation, or regulatory inquiry is foreign or domestic, Dynamis attorneys—located in Boston, New York, Miami, and San Diego—are here to help and provide aggressive representation. Given Dynamis attorneys’ experience and expertise in securities fraud and market manipulation investigations, criminal prosecutions, and civil litigation (often involving the SEC), Dynamis attorneys can be of particular help where the SEC is involved in FCPA investigations and/or parallel proceedings. 

Last, Dynamis has the the expertise to utilize domestic statutes to assist in foreign litigation before international tribunals.  These tools include the use of 28 U.S.C. § 1782 to assist foreign entities in obtaining discovery within the United States for use in litigation abroad, the enforcement of foreign judgments against U.S.-based assets, and the initiation of U.S.-based parallel proceedings to supplement litigation abroad. 

Representative Experience by Dynamis Attorneys

Represented senior bank executives in large-scale investigation and prosecution related to corruption charges and allegations as part of the Department of Justice’s sprawling Odebrecht investigation. Dynamis attorneys were instrumental in securing a highly favorable resolution for the client after months of DOJ presentations and negotiations.

Represented hedge fund executive in insider-trading investigation involving allegations of a breach of an internal “Chinese Wall” by the hedge fund, allowing traders to profit off of inside information. The investigation concluded without any charges against individuals.

Representing group of international crypto investors in their dispute with the crypto company that they invested in at the height of the crypto boom.

Investigated group of PDVSA employees/contractors on allegations of massive foreign bribery scheme that spanned Venezuela, United States, France and Spain.

Represented multinational pharmaceutical company in FCPA and UK Bribery Act investigation related to its operations in India.

Represented global financial institution in the industry-wide investigations into hiring practices in China of relatives of government officials.

Represented Dallas Airmotive in FCPA investigation by the DOJ related to its operations in Brazil, Latin America and Russia. 

Represented Telefonica in FCPA investigation by DOJ and SEC related to its practices in Mexico and Brazil. 

Prosecuted large-scale group based out of India for shipping misbranded drugs into the United States. Charges resulted in convictions for drug misbranding, health care fraud, and international money laundering.

Represented major U.S. pharmaceutical company in global products liability litigation, including highly sensitive vaccine litigation in Japan.

Represented former Chief Financial Officer of global defense solutions corporation in Department of Justice investigation on allegations of FCPA bribery violations in connection with government fuel supply contracts in the Middle East.

Implemented FCPA compliance program on behalf of multi-national bank.