Dynamis LLP in the Press

Accused Short Seller Andrew Left Fights Back
Accused short-seller Andrew Left fights back with Petition authored by Dynamis.

Roaring Kitty Securities Fraud Lawsuit: Meme Stocks Decline
Fortune Magazine Article on the recent lawsuit against Roaring Kitty - partner Eric Rosen is quoted in the article.
“Twitter User Can’t Nix SEC Suit Over Penny Stock Ploy”
In a recent decision, a federal judge in New York refused to dismiss an SEC lawsuit against Steven M. Gallagher, a Twitter user accused of manipulating penny stocks. The SEC alleges that Gallagher, using his Twitter account, promoted certain stocks without disclosing his intent to sell his shares, an act known as "scalping." Judge P. Kevin Castel ruled that Gallagher had a duty to disclose his holdings once he publicly recommended these stocks, as his omissions could mislead reasonable investors.

As ‘Varsity Blues’ Winds Down, Attys Recall a Wild Beginning
Law360 Article featuring Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen discusses the beginning of the infamous "Varsity Blues" college admissions scandal

Varsity Blues parent conviction overturned
The Boston Globe article about a parent whose conviction was overturned in the Varisty Blues case. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen is quoted in the article.

"DSW Stock Tipper Gets 1 Year After 'Heated' Court Debate"
Law360 article about DSW stock tipper David Schottenstein. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen served as defense counsel.

Federal Charges Against 8 Defendants in Discord Stock Fraud
Law360 article about USA vs. Constantinescu et al. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen represents defendant John Rybarczyk.

“The Man Who Moves Markets” - Carson Block: Hero or Villain?
The Atlantic

"Let Money Talk, Former Students Say In Elite Schools Row"
Law360 Article about Henry et al. v. Brown University et al. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen represented the students/plaintiffs in this case.

Coinbase Users Sue Company for $21M Crypto Scam Negligence
Ars Technica article about Coinbase users losing money due to alleged security flaws. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen represented the Coinbase users.

Crypto Scam Victims Demand Accountability From Coinbase
Washington Post article about scams involving Coinbase and the lawsuits that are being filed. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen is quoted in the article.

"Twitter Stock Pumper Avoids Prison For Microcap Fraud"
Law360 article about Steven Gallagher's sentencing. Dynamis LLP Partner Eric Rosen represents the defendant.

Examining the Legal Battle Against Universities’ Wealth Bias
NBC News article about a financial aid lawsuit involving elite universities and their need blind admission policies. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen is quoted in the article.

Federal Lawsuit Alleges Collusion of Top US Universities
Forbes article about the lawsuit against elite universities for allegedly price fixing student aid. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen is quoted in the article.

Alex Rodriguez’s Civil Suit Drags On: Court Date Pushed
Forbes article about Alex Rodriguez’s civil lawsuit in Miami. Dynamis LLP parter Constantine Economides represented Rodriguez’s former brother-in-law and is quoted in the article.
Exclusive Insight into the Varsity Blues Cheating Scandal
Daniels Fund at the University of Colorado discusses the Varsity Blues scandal with former federal prosecutor and Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen

Exploring Ethics in “Cherry”: Hollywood's Crime Narrative
The Intercept discusses Crime and Hollywood in relation to the movie “Cherry”. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen is quoted in the article.