Dynamis LLP in the Press

Dynamis Filed Class Action Against crypto company “Portal”
Dynamis filed a class-action lawsuit against Tides Network, a crypto coming doing business as Portal. The case was filed in Delaware.

Dynamis sues Binance in the District of Massachusetts
Dynamis sued the large crypto-exchange Binance in federal district court in Boston, Massachusetts

“Veterans of Madoff, ‘Varsity Blues’ Cases Launch New Firm”
Law360 article about founding Dynamis LLP founders Eric Rosen in Boston and Constantine Economides in Miami

Former Crypto Plaintiffs’ Lawyers Launch High-Profile Firm
Reuters article about the founding of Dynamis LLP by Eric Rosen and Constantine Economides. Dynamis LLP has offics in New York, Boston, and Miami.

Coinbase Users Sue Company for $21M Crypto Scam Negligence
Ars Technica article about Coinbase users losing money due to alleged security flaws. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen represented the Coinbase users.

Crypto Scam Victims Demand Accountability From Coinbase
Washington Post article about scams involving Coinbase and the lawsuits that are being filed. Dynamis LLP partner Eric Rosen is quoted in the article.